Credit Union Savings Rates Near Me

Bellco Federal Credit Union provides competitive savings rates for all Berks County, PA, residents searching for a quality financial institution "near me." As a member-owned nonprofit, we offer a wide range of financial products and services marked by lower fees, better rates, and flexibility that for-profit banks can't offer.

As a member of Bellco FCU, you'll also be a joint owner in the credit union. Members-owners can open checking and savings accounts, secure mortgages and other loans, credit cards, and more - all backed by insurance and facilitated through the same convenient services you'd find with a traditional bank.

The two physical Bellco Federal Credit Union branches lie in Wyomissing and Sinking Spring, PA. As part of the CO-OP credit union network, members can access their accounts at surcharge-free ATMs worldwide and thousands of participating physical credit union locations.

Savings Accounts - Banks Versus Credit Unions

Let's explore the differences between savings accounts at credit unions and banks. These differences stem from the contrast in the purpose of the two types of institutions: banks exist to make profits, and federal credit unions serve their members' interests.

Credit unions typically provide higher interest rate returns on savings accounts and charge fewer and lower fees, while banks may have more ATM access. With Bellco FCU, this problem with access isn't a genuine problem since we participate in the credit union network and offer online and mobile banking.

Access and customer service are also differences between credit unions and bank savings accounts. Establishing a savings account with Bellco FCU is a membership requirement, although you may have as little as $5 in the account. Banks allow anyone to participate.

A credit union's customer service is typically far above a bank's. Bellco FCU, for instance, operates with friendly professionalism and local processing and decision-making as principles of operations.

Personal Savings Accounts with Bellco Federal Credit Union

Bellco FCU provides savings account choices that require a $5 amount left on deposit. The entire balance will draw interest, and the account comes with complimentary online banking and bill pay, mobile banking, and eStatements. This account establishes and continues membership in the credit union and provides access to our financial products and services.

Club accounts with Bellco FCU make saving for holiday and vacation spending easier. Have a set amount transferred intermittently throughout the year to have the money you need when the time comes. These accounts offer:

  • Competitive interest rates

  • No minimum balance

  • No monthly service fee

  • Free mobile/online banking

  • Payroll deduction for automatic deposits into club accounts

Club accounts allow you to make deposits in any amount at any time. If you're preparing for Christmas spending, you can anticipate an automatic Christmas Club account automatic transfer on October 15th. Vacation Club Accounts allow you to withdraw your funds fee-free at any time.

Other savings methods with Bellco FCU include a Money Market Account or a Certificate of Deposit (CD).

Become a Bellco FCU Member-Owner

Member eligibility qualifications include any of the following:

  • Resident, worshiper, worker, or student of Berks County, PA

  • Immediate family member - sibling, spouse, parent, child, grandparent, grandchild - of a current Bellco FCU member

Membership, once established, will remain for life - even if your qualifying circumstances change.

For terrific savings rates "near me," come to Bellco Federal Credit Union if you reside, work, worship, or study in Berks County. Contact us today for more information.